Sponsor SHC’s 8th Annual “A Place to Live Again” Luncheon!
Become a sponsor of SHC’s “A Place to Live Again” Luncheon on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, Noon – 1:00 p.m. at the NASCAR Hall of Fame Crown Ballroom! Last year, we were able to raise $367,000 towards our mission of “providing affordable housing to alleviate homelessness and human suffering,” with 47 sponsors and 832 attendees of the luncheon. We are happy to send you a personalized sponsorship proposal. Contact Malia Suhren at malia@aplacetoliveagain.org to request a proposal or to sign up as a sponsor!
Resident Patron $2,500
- Invitation to VIP Reception
- One exclusive table (eight seats) at luncheon
- Provide SHC photos for use on sponsor’s website
- Logo/hyperlink on SHC website
- Posts on social media
- Provide items to raffle
- Feature in newsletter
- SHC employee/resident speak to your employees
Family Patron $5,000
All the previously listed benefits PLUS:
- Two exclusive tables (16 seats total) at annual luncheon
- Listing as corporate sponsor in online annual report
- Placement of logo on collateral materials (brochures, luncheon program, invites, landing pages, etc.)
Silver Patron $10,000
All the previously listed benefits PLUS:
- Featured as title sponsor* at additional SHC event
- Priority placement of two exclusive tables at annual luncheon (16 seats total)
- Priority placement of logo on collateral materials
- On-site signage at annual luncheon
- Expanded company profile shared in our monthly newsletter
Gold Patron $25,000
All the previously listed benefits PLUS:
- Featured as title sponsor* of the VIP reception
- VIP placement of logo on collateral materials (brochures, luncheon program, invites, etc.)
- Special recognition and thanks in public speeches
- Vendor display table at annual luncheon
- Host company branded team-building volunteer activities and/or series of educational classes for SHC residents
Platinum Patron $50,000
All the previously listed benefits PLUS:
- Featured as title sponsor* of the annual luncheon
- Video highlighting collaborative partnership with SHC
- 60-second speaking opportunity at our luncheon or other SHC hosted events
- Opportunity to provide company-branded materials at SHC hosted event(s)
- Sponsor exclusive company ‘Lunch & Learn’ or ‘Coffee Talk’ experience
Current Sponsors as of 3/15/19…
Gold Sponsors: Form Technologies, Brenda Rehn
Silver Sponsors: Red Fox Capital, RoundPoint Mortgage
Family Patrons: Ally Financial, Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Domtar, Fifth Third Bank, Mark Hawkins, Herrmann & Murphy, Law Office of Michael A. DeMayo, Publix Super Markets Charities, Shane and Cameron Wagner
Resident Patrons: Colony Gums, Glenhouse Strategies, Greater Charlotte Apartment Association, Horack Talley, Katten Muchin Rosenman, Jenny and Matt Martella, McGuireWoods, Moore & Van Allen, nVision Marketing, Ram Real Estate Capital, Southminster, Stacy Meyers and Jack Schreur
Patrons: Colliers International, Dickens Mitchener, Flat Creek Construction, Hall Crawford Group, HarbisonWalker, Higgins & Owens, Mountain Real Estate Capital, NewDominion Bank, Norelli Savage Law, Terry and Cathy Roche, Valder and Offerman Family
Custom: Blackwood Finance & Accounting, Bojangles’ Restaurants, Boston National Title, Tonya and Daunte Bruce, Buffalo Troopers Motorcycle Club, Carroll Financial, Chicago Title Insurance Company, DMI Construction, Holiday Motor Company, Hood Hargett, Premier Dentistry, Rhino Assembly, Ivon and Blair Rohrer, Royal Auto Sales, US Bank