SHC Behind Our Eyes Series: Meet Lakeyshia

A few years ago, Lakeyshia suffered a debilitating illness that eventually forced her out of work and into homelessness. Her illness led her to lose 100 pounds in six months due to her pain. She eventually underwent emergency surgery but had no place to rest and recover. Lakeyshia bounced between staying with family members, in an emergency shelter, and sleeping in her car. For two and a half years, Lakeyshia struggled to find permanent housing and hold onto a job.

“Stable housing for a year was all she needed to be able to save enough money and get back on her own.”  When Lakeyshia found McCreesh Place, she had a home to rest, recover, and re-establish goals. Today, Lakeyshia works for Wells Fargo and is pursuing a Master’s degree in Finance. She dedicates her free time to serving the neighbors at McCreesh Place.

Currently, 90 formerly chronically homeless individuals call McCreesh Place home. As SHC continues to grow, we strive to provide the same support to each neighbor that walks through our door, just like Lakeyshia. Through the generosity of our friends at Elevation Church, all 90 residents at McCreesh Place are receiving a brand-new mattress. We need your help to provide these neighbors with bedding to accompany their new mattresses.  While this seems insignificant, it helps our neighbors know that they are cared for and seen. Your support of SHC proves that you understand just how important it is to care for our neighbors in our community. Today, I am asking you to help gift each of our residents with a new bedding set.

You’ll help make all the difference for people when they most need help…and that could be you or someone you love…For $50, you can provide the same relief that Lakeyshia found to a neighbor at McCreesh. Would you give a gift today? 

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